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SPAR Method



I created The SPAR Method out of necessity. My partner and I were stuck in an endless and bitter fight cycle despite how much we adored each other. We lacked the tools to communicate properly, thoroughly, and safely. So I created them. Much to my surprise, it worked so exceptionally well that not only were we finally able to have our first REAL, HARD conversation in years without fighting, but with it came a buffet of benefits I couldn’t have begun to imagine which played out in my body, my relationship and my life. I slowly took steps back from my lifelong and successful music career and began studying what I’d created.

Seven years later I am still so thrilled to be teaching my fight philosophy to couples everywhere and guiding them in how to use The SPAR Method to heal their relationships and their lives. The healing and transformational benefits are exponential when you work in pairs, and when you work with a method like SPAR, you are teaching your body and your relationship a lasting resilience and an entirely new way of showing up in the world.

If you feel stuck or overly fragile in your relationship, with your partner, your parent, your child, ex, or friend, consider using this method of reconciliation. Set up a time for a BREAKTHROUGH with me and experience the exponential healing power of working alongside your partner to springboard everything you’re working to transform in your life.


“My partner and I were in a very dark place. We were angry, resentful, and sad that our relationship was so filled with conflict. Leah created a safe container for both of us to say what we didn’t feel comfortable saying, including something I had been stewing over for months. We are in a completely different vibrant, loving, open, caring relationship now. I am truly grateful. Leah’s work is absolutely transformational, opening, easy, and actually quite fun!” - Taylor C, 42, Costa Rica

“Last night Lucy and I SPARRED on our own. Lucy will be 10 in August. This may have been the most focused I’ve seen her. She didn’t fidget, she didn’t look away, she wanted more. This was not at all what I expected.  Thank you so much for this. I am so grateful. As hard as it is to see your child in a state of sadness and not immediately opt to stop it, letting her have that time to express herself is so important. And she was so appreciative. Lucy woke up this morning and the first thing she said was that she wants to SPAR every Friday night.” - Candi C, 54, NYC

“SPAR saved our relationship. With Leah’s guidance, we learned how to really be ok to disagree, and I finally started sharing my truth, even after years of believing my partner needed more space for her emotions and wasn’t likely able to handle anything more. We ended the patterns of fighting that were killing us, and we started building real love again and were finally able to commit to our relationship completely.” - Jeff M, 43, Atlanta,

“We learned so much working with SPAR! Like how to stop constantly interrupting each other like we’ve always done before. Alex gets really quiet and with the SPAR Method, he was able to reassure me he was invested in the discussion and had input without having to ‘say’ anything at all! What a unique and beautiful concept. It’s such a huge win for us and the whole process has helped us in so many ways. Thank you so much from the depths of my being.” - Kate B, 42, NYC
